- Where to buy a license for Plesk?
- Can I have several Plesk licenses in 1 invoice?
- How to buy several Plesk licenses at once?
- can I pay for license for 6 months?
Only monthly or yearly lease licenses are available for purchase in Plesk online store.
It is not possible to order several Plesk licenses under one subscription: for each Plesk license a separate invoice and separate subscription will be created in the online store.
You can choose Plesk licenses between 3 editions:
- Web Admin;
- Web Pro;
- Web Host.
To learn the difference between Plesk editions, please refer to Plesk Knowledge Base article #213903085.
Payment Options:
- Credit Card;
- PayPal.
To learn the difference between monthly lease and yearly lease licenses, please refer to Plesk Knowledge Base article #213932205.
How to place an order
To place an order, please go to Pricing
- Select the required billing, server platform and Plesk edition - click on Buy
On "Your details" page, extend your order by adding extra features and extensions for your Plesk license, if you need any extensions. Then fill in the required fields under Address and choose payment option. Click Next .
On "Review Your your data" page, review your order.
If you missed to add any extension to your license, click Edit icon, select the required option and click Next.
Once all necessary items are added to the cart, click Buy Now to place the order.
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