Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
Where to find Plesk for Linux services logs and configuration files?
This article's sole purpose is to provide information regarding the services that Plesk interacts with. Below you will find the configuration and log file locations of the services, which may be useful during a troubleshooting procedure.
For Plesk on Windows see this article.
PLESK_WARN: Plesk company does NOT recommend manually editing or modifying the below-mentioned configuration or system files. If however, you decide to do it, please keep in mind that you do it at your own risk, and the changes may cause unexpected behavior.
- Plesk
- Plesk Installer
- Plesk System Packages Update Manager (PUM)
- Web Presence Builder
- Backup Manager
- Plesk Migrator
- Plesk Migration Manager
- Website & Mail Import
- Health Monitor
- Health Monitor Notification Daemon
- PostgreSQL
- Apache
- nginx
- Tomcat
- cron
- Task Manager
- Xinetd
- Named / BIND
- Courier-IMAP
- Dovecot
- Postfix
- qmail
- Horde
- RoundCube
- Mail forwarding
- Mailman
- SpamAssassin
- Premium Antivirus (Dr.Web)
- Kaspersky antivirus
- phpMyAdmin
- phpPgAdmin
- Logrotate
- Webalizer
- AWstats
- Watchdog (monit)
- Watchdog (rkhunter)
- Plesk Firewall
- Plesk Firewall (IP forwarding)
- IP Address Banning (Fail2Ban)
- ModSecurity
- Let's Encrypt
- Plesk-PHP
- Acronis Backup
- Node.JS
- WP Toolkit
- Logs
- Error log:
- Access log:
- Panel log:
- Error log:
- Services
- Stop:
service psa stop
- Start:
service psa start
- Restart:
service psa restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
- PHP config on RHEL-based:
- PHP config on Debian-based:
- Panel config on RHEL-based:
- Panel config on Debian-based:
- Web server config:
- PHP config on RHEL-based:
- User actions logging:
Tools & Settings > Action log
Plesk Installer
- Logs
Plesk System Packages Update Manager (PUM)
- Logs
Web Presence Builder
- Logs
- Error log:
- Install/upgrade logs:
- Error log:
- No service control (working via the sw-cp-server service)
- Configuration
Backup Manager
- Logs
- Backup logs:
Plesk Onyx;/var/log/plesk/PMM/
Plesk Obsidian - Restore log:
/usr/local/psa/PMM/logs/restore-<datetime> or /usr/local/psa/PMM/rsessions
- Backup logs:
- Functionality is controlled by the Plesk control panel service
- Configuration
Plesk Migrator
- Configuration
- Logs
Migration Manager
- Logs
- Functionality is controlled by the Plesk control panel service.
Website & Mail Import
- Logs
Task Manager
- Log
- Configuration
Health Monitor Manager
- Logs
- Services
- Stop:
service sw-collectd stop
- Start:
service sw-collectd start
- Restart:
service sw-collectd restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
Note: Starting from MariaDB 10.5 packages from MariaDB Foundation (either for RHEL-based, or for Debian-based distributions) have error_log set to empty value. Therefore, log file can be accessed via
.Debian 11/Ubuntu 22
# journalctl -xeu mariadb.service
Debian 10/Ubuntu 20
# grep -ri log_error /etc/my* | cut -d ':' -f2
log_error = /var/log/mysql/error.logCentOS/RHEL/Almalinux
# grep -ri log-error /etc/my* | cut -d ":" -f 2
log-error=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log -
service mysqld stop
service mysqld start
service mysqld restart
Note: Service name differs on different Linux distributives:
on CentOS/RHEL 5 and 6 -
on CentOS 7/RHEL 7/Almalinux -
on Debian/Ubuntu -
(Debian/Ubuntu) -
- Stop:
service postgresql stop
- Start:
service postgresql start
- Restart:
service postgresql restart
- Stop:
- Logs
- Global logs:
- Access log:
- Error log:
- Requests to IP addresses:
- Access log:
- Domain logs:
- Access logs:
- HTTP log:
- HTTPS log:
- HTTP log:
- Error log:
- Access logs:
- Global logs:
- Services
- Stop:
service httpd stop
- Start:
service httpd start
- Restart:
service httpd restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
(includes generated configuration files with the rest of the vhosts and the server configuration) /etc/httpd/conf/plesk.conf.d/
- Logs
- Global logs:
- Access log:
- Error log:
- Access log:
- Domain logs:
- Access logs:
- HTTP log:
- HTTPS log:
- Requests to IP addresses:
- HTTP log:
- Error log:
- Access logs:
- Global logs:
- Services
- Stop:
service apache2 stop
- Start:
service apache2 start
- Restart:
service apache2 restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
(includes generated configuration files with the rest of the vhosts and the server configuration) /etc/apache2/plesk.conf.d/
- Logs
- Global logs:
- Access log:
- Error log:
- Access log:
- Domain logs:
- Access logs:
- HTTP log:
- HTTPS log:
- HTTP log:
- Error log:
- Access logs:
- Global logs:
- Services
- nginx
- Stop:
service nginx stop
- Start:
service nginx start
- Restart:
service nginx restart
- Stop:
- nginx as a reverse-proxy
- Stop:
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/nginxmng --disable
- Start:
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/nginxmng --enable
- Status:
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/nginxmng --status
- Stop:
- nginx
- Configuration
(includes generated configuration files with the rest of the vhosts' and server configuration) /etc/nginx/plesk.conf.d/
- Logs
- Services
- Stop:
service tomcat stop
- Start:
service tomcat start
- Restart:
service tomcat restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
- Application configuration
- Logs
) /var/log/plesk/ftp_tls.log
- Authentication logs
- CentOS/RHEL-based distributions -
- Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions
- No service control (works via the Xinetd service)
- Configuration
- Logs
- Configuration:
- Logs
- Services
- Stop:
service xinetd stop
- Start:
service xinetd start
- Restart:
service xinetd restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
(files with "." in the name are ignored)
- Logs
- Services
- Stop:
service named stop
- Start:
service named start
- Restart:
service named restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
Note: The service is called bind9
on Debian/Ubuntu and named-chroot
on CentOS 7.
- Logs
- Services
- Stop:
service courier-imap stop
- Start:
service courier-imap start
- Restart:
service courier-imap restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
- Logs
- Logs can be found using the
/usr/sbin/dovecot log find
- Logs can be found using the
- Services
- Stop:
service dovecot stop
- Start:
service dovecot start
- Restart:
service dovecot restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
(CentOS/RHEL) /etc/dovecot/conf.d/11-plesk-security-ssl.conf
- Logs
- Services
- Stop:
service postfix stop
- Start:
service postfix start
- Restart:
service postfix restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
- Logs
- Services
- Stop:
service qmail stop
- Start:
service qmail start
- Restart:
service qmail restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
- Control files in
- Control files in
- Logs
- Error log:
- Error log:
- No service control (works via the Apache web-server)
- Configuration
- Logs
- Error log:
- Error log:
- No service control (works via the Apache web-server)
- Configuration
Customizations: /usr/share/psa-roundcube/config/
Mail forwarding
- Configuration
- Logs
- Services
- Stop:
service mailman stop
- Start:
service mailman start
- Restart:
service mailman restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
- /etc/httpd/conf/plesk.conf.d/server.conf - web config for Mailman on RHEL/CentOS
- /etc/apache2/plesk.conf.d/server.conf - web config for Mailman on Debian/Ubuntu
- Logs
- Services
- Stop:
service spamassassin stop
- Start:
service spamassassin start
- Restart:
service spamassassin restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
Premium Antivirus
- Logs
- Service control
- Stop:
service drwebd stop
- Start:
service drwebd start
- Restart:
service drwebd restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
Kaspersky Antivirus
- Logs
- Service control
- Stop:
service kavehost stop
- Start:
service kavehost start
- Restart:
service kavehost restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
- Anti-virus database directory:
- Logs
- Error log:
- Error log:
- No service control (working via the sw-cp-server service).
- Configuration
- Starting from Plesk 18.0.30:
- Logs
- Error log:
- Error log:
- No service control (working via the sw-cp-server service).
- Configuration
- No service control. Executed by the daily maintenance task:
- Configuration
- No service control. Executed by the daily maintenance task:
- Configuration
- No service control. Executed by the daily maintenance task:
- Configuration
Watchdog (monit)
- Logs
- Service control
- Stop:
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/modules/watchdog/wd --stop
- Start:
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/modules/watchdog/wd --start
- Restart:
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/modules/watchdog/wd --restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
Watchdog (rkhunter)
- Logs:
- Service control:
- Start:
- Start:
- Configration:
Plesk Firewall
- Service control
- Stop:
service psa-firewall stop
- Start:
service psa-firewall start
- Restart:
service psa-firewall restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
Plesk Firewall (IP forwarding)
- Service control
- Stop:
service psa-firewall-forward stop
- Start:
service psa-firewall-forward start
- Restart:
service psa-firewall-forward restart
- Stop:
- Configuration
IP Address Banning (Fail2Ban)
- Logs:
- Service control
- Stop:
service fail2ban stop
- Start:
service fail2ban start
- Restart:
service fail2ban restart
- Stop:
- Configuration: A set of IPTables rules. By default:
iptables -N fail2ban-plesk-login
iptables -A fail2ban-plesk-login -j RETURN
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 8880,8443 -j fail2ban-plesk-login
- Logs
Note: ModSecurity also has a debug log that can be configured by adding
directive with the specified path for it in the Apache configuration file.
- Services
- Disable:
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/modsecurity_ctl -d
- Enable:
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/modsecurity_ctl -e
- Disable:
Let's Encrypt
- Logs
- php.ini
- .ini files:
- Modules:
- Logs:
Acronis Backup
- Service Control
: Acronis Managed Machine Service is responsible for backup and recovery operations. -
/usr/local/psa/var/modules/acronis-backup/python/python -m acronis_backup_srv.app_daemon --config=/usr/local/psa/var/modules/acronis-backup/srv/config.ini
: Extension frontend is implemented with a separate persistent process, running in the background. /opt/plesk/php/7.x/etc/php.ini
- Logs:
- Logs:
- Global log
CentOS/RHEL-based distributions -
Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions -
On nginx-only hosting
- Domain's log
- Global log
WP Toolkit
- Log:
with Debug mode enabled
- User actions logging:
Tools & Settings > Action log
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