Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
- Plesk for Windows
It is required to change SOA record value (TTL) for all domains hosted in Plesk. How to do it in bulk for all domains?
Note: the further instructions are intended for server administrators with direct RDP/SSH access to the server. If direct SSH/RDP access to the server is not possible, contact server administrator for further assistance.
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Connect to the server using SSH.
Create Plesk database backup and perform the update:
# MYSQL_PWD=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` mysqldump -uadmin psa > /root/psa_db_backup`date +%F`.sql
Execute the following script to update SOA for all domains:
# sudo plesk bin domain --list | xargs -I {} sudo plesk bin dns --update-soa {} -soa-ttl 1D -soa-refresh 3H -soa-retry 1H -soa-expire 7D -soa-minimum 3H -soa-serial-format yyyymmddnn
Check the following documentation for the details about --update-soa parameters on Linux
Log into the server via RDP.
Create a backup for psa database:
C:\> plesk db dump psa > C:\psa.sql
Verify that
was created physically -
Generate a list of all domains to
file:C:\> plesk db -Ne "select name from domains;" > C:\domains.txt
Run the command below to set TTL as 5 minutes for all domains from the C:\domains.txt file:
C:\> for /f "tokens=*" %d in ('type C:\domains.txt') do plesk bin dns --update-soa %d -soa-ttl 5M
Check the following documentation for the details about --update-soa parameters on Windows
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