Sites are unavailable: nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (99: Cannot assign requested address)


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    The first command runs OK but second command gives me an error as per below. 

    [2023-08-23 00:51:49.506] 45415:64e55820d2202 ERR [util_exec] proc_close() failed ['/opt/psa/admin/bin/nginx-config' '-t'] with exit code [1] 
    [2023-08-23 00:51:50.286] 45415:64e55820d2202 ERR [util_exec] proc_close() failed ['/opt/psa/admin/bin/nginx-config' '-t'] with exit code [1] 
    [2023-08-23 00:51:50.837] 45415:64e55820d2202 ERR [panel] Apache config (16927519080.19291200) generation failed: Template_Exception: nginx: [emerg] bind() to [2600:1f14:fc4:1600:902f:17e8:5e98:3a8e]:443 failed (99: Cannot assign requested address)
    nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed

    file: /opt/psa/admin/plib/Template/Writer/Webserver/Abstract.php
    line: 75
    code: 0
    nginx: [emerg] bind() to [2600:1f14:fc4:1600:902f:17e8:5e98:3a8e]:443 failed (99: Cannot assign requested address)
    nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed


    What can be causing this? 


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