Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
- Plesk for Windows
How to enable remote access to a MySQL/MariaDB database server in Plesk?
Warning: After enabling the access, all MySQL/MariaDB connections will be unencrypted. To make them encrypted, an SSL certificate is required. For that and additional steps check this link:
Note: Make sure that MySQL/MariaDB port is not blocked by a firewall: How to open all ports on local server needed by Plesk automatically?
When firewalld is enabled the following command may be used to open the port:
# firewall-cmd --zone=plesk --permanent --add-port 3306/tcp
By default, Plesk administrator does not have remote access. It is recommended to create a new user that will be used for the remote connection. Though user admin
can be used, too.
In order to enable remote access to a MySQL/MariaDB server follow the instructions below:
Go to Tools & Settings > Database Servers > Settings > click on the Local MySQL Settings link:
Select the Allow local MySQL server to accept external connections checkbox and click OK to apply changes:
Go to Subscriptions > > Databases > User Management > example_db_user.
Make sure that the Access control option is set to Allow remote connections from any host or to Allow remote connections from:
Open the MySQL/MariaDB configuration file in any text editor. The location of this file is:
For Linux:
for CentOS/RHEL-based distributions:
for Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions:
For Windows:
parameter to:CONFIG_TEXT: bind-address = means every IP address on the server. If it is required to bind to a specific IP address, specify this particular IP instead of
Note: Make sure that
parameter is not defined in MySQL/MariaDB configuration file.Note: The
directive may also be specified in the/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
file. If it is, make sure it is pointing to instead of the loopback address. -
Restart MySQL/MariaDB server:
For Linux:
# service mariadb restart || service mysql restart
For Windows:
Start Plesk Services Monitor > select MySQLXX or MariaDBXX (where XX is a version) > click Restart.
To verify connectivity, log in from the remote server using MySQL Workbench or via CLI by executing the following command:
# mysql -u"example_db_user" -p"password" -h""
Any chance to perfom this task from the command line? Would be helpful in automation.
Setting bind-address to * in my.cnf works until the next update only, so I guess there's something else being set in the background.
When using MariaDB on a Windows Servers and you use IPv4 AND IPv6 you need another bind-address otherwise database connections will be slow.
You can clearly experience this when clicking around in phpMyAdmin
bind-address = (= IPv4 only)
bind-address = * (= IPv4 + IPv6 connectivity)
Explanation: database connections to localhost will first try connecting to ::1, timeout and then try
Please update the article so other do not make the same mistake and end up with slow MariaDB connections.
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