Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
- Plesk for Windows
How to run Composer with Plesk PHP?
Run Composer from Plesk interface
In Plesk Obsidian, Composer is available as a Plesk extension. To learn more about PHP Composer Plesk extension, visit:
Run Composer from a command-line interface
To use composer with Plesk PHP (e.g. to install additional libraries), connect to a Plesk server via SSH (Linux) / RDP (Windows Server) and use the following commands, where X.X is a PHP version:
Warning: Be careful when installing untrusted packages as root/super user. See for details.
on CentOS/RHEL-based distributions:
# /opt/plesk/php/X.X/bin/php /usr/lib64/plesk-9.0/composer.phar [options] [arguments]
on Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions:
# /opt/plesk/php/X.X/bin/php /usr/lib/plesk-9.0/composer.phar [options] [arguments]
on Windows Server:
C:\> "%plesk_dir%Additional\PleskPHPXX\php.exe" "%plesk_dir%Additional\Composer\composer.phar" [options] [arguments]
Additional Information
To add Composer to chrooted environment, visit this KB article.
Good morning. thank you for your article
I have installed the plesk composer extension on the server. OK
Now how do I run the installation of something?
For example I want to install phpmailer
In the command prompt when I type I execute the instruction:
composer require phpmailer/phpmailer
'composer' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Could you help with information?
Hi Jhoni Rosales
The article says that to run composer, you need to use one of these commands instead of "composer":
on CentOS/RHEL-based distributions:
# /opt/plesk/php/X.X/bin/php /usr/lib64/plesk-9.0/composer.phar [options] [arguments]
on Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions:
# /opt/plesk/php/X.X/bin/php /usr/lib/plesk-9.0/composer.phar [options] [arguments]
where X.X is a PHP version
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