Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
- Plesk for Windows
Unable to get the list of subscriptions via CLI due to the following error:
# plesk bin subscription --list
Unable to load object of type BsDomain with id=101: Domain does not exist.
exit status 1
The Plesk database contains orphaned records.
Connect to the server via SSH
Create a dump of the Plesk database:
# plesk db dump psa > /root/psa_backup.sql
Make sure the domain with the ID shown in the error message doesn't exist by running the following commands:
Warning: If any of these commands return a result, then try to repair Plesk database with the command "plesk repair db". For more information about this utility, see this documentation page.
# plesk db "select * from domains where id = 101"
(Empty Output)# plesk db "select * from hosting where dom_id = 101"
(Empty Output) -
Get the subscription_id value associated to the object_id with the ID shown in the error message:
# plesk db "select id,object_id from Subscriptions where object_id=101"
| id | object_id |
| 75 | 101 |
+----+-----------+ -
Remove the orphaned records from the Plesk database:
# plesk db "delete from Subscriptions where object_id=101 and object_type='domain'"
# plesk db "delete from SubscriptionProperties where subscription_id=75"
# plesk db "delete from PlansSubscriptions where subscription_id=75"
Connect to the server via RDP
Create a dump of the Plesk database:
C:\> plesk db dump psa > C:\psa_backup.sql
Make sure the domain with the ID shown in the error message doesn't exist by running the following commands:
Warning: If any of these commands return a result, then try to repair Plesk database with the command "plesk repair db". For more information about this utility, see this documentation page.
C:\> plesk db "select * from domains where id = 101"
(Empty Output)C:\> plesk db "select * from hosting where dom_id = 101"
(Empty Output) -
Get the subscription_id value associated to the object_id with the ID shown in the error message:
C:\> plesk db "select id,object_id from Subscriptions where object_id=101"
| id | object_id |
| 75 | 101 |
+----+-----------+ -
Remove the orphaned records from the Plesk database:
C:\> plesk db "delete from Subscriptions where object_id=101 and object_type='domain'"
C:\> plesk db "delete from SubscriptionProperties where subscription_id=75"
C:\> plesk db "delete from PlansSubscriptions where subscription_id=75"
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