Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
- Plesk for Windows
If an expiration date is changed for a service plan in Service Plans > service plan name > Resources > change the Expiration date to the required date > Update & Sync , it is not changed for already created subscriptions under this service plan.
As of now, it is expected behavior and considered as the product improvement with ID PPPM-138 .
Use one of the following workarounds:
In Plesk interface:
Change the expiration date of the subscription in Subscriptions > > Customize menu. As a result, the subscription will be locked.
Note: such locking is known as the product improvement with ID PPPM-7481 .
Unlock subscription using Subscriptions > > Unlock & Sync . As a result, everything will be synchronized except expiration date - it remains customized.
Directly on the server when connected using SSH .
Execute the following commands:
# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` psa -e"select name from domains where id in (select object_id from Subscriptions where id in (select subscription_id from PlansSubscriptions where plan_id in (select id from Templates where name='Example Plan')));" | grep -v "name" > /tmp/webspaces.list
# while read l; do /usr/local/psa/bin/subscription_settings -u $l -expiration 1970-01-01; done < /tmp/webspaces.listThese commands will change the expiration date for all subscriptions under the service plan Example Plan to 1970-01-01.
1 comment
What should be the equivalent command line for Windows?, this could be deciphered however, this should be stipulated too for Windows Command Prompt.
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