kb: how-to
Plesk for Linux
ABT: Group B
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- Plesk for Linux
Is NetworkManager supported by Plesk?
Currently, Plesk doesn't use NetworkManager for configuring IPs. On the servers with Network Manager, IP addresses may be managed only manually (not via Plesk).
Note: For Plesk to detect changes, it is required to log into Plesk, go to Tools & Settings > IP Addresses and click on the Reread IP button
Given that Plesk claims to support AlmaLinux 9, where NetworkManager is the only choice as the legacy network scripts have been removed, when will NetworkManager be directly supported?
William Dashwood at the moment developers work on adding support for NetworkManager. However, implementing a NM support takes time and for now there is no ETA for it.
So really Plesk doesn't fully support AlmaLinux 9 just yet?
William Dashwood yes, there are still some limitations in supporting AlmaLinux 9. You may check them in this KB article:
Does Plesk support RHEL9/AlmaLinux 9?
Thanks, it doesn't mention anything about network support though?
William Dashwood it is, because Network Manager does not have support for all the OSes. Once the support is added, the corresponding information will be published at Plesk Change Log page.
When is plesk going to support Almalinux Network Manager? We were instructed to migrate all of our plesk servers running EOL cents 7.9 to AlmaLinux 9 and now we find out that plesk doesn't support the official almalinux OS network configuration tool (ie Network Manager). :-(
I have many VPS and dedicated servers using almalinux 9.4 and plesk obsidian latest without any problems.
What is the problem exactly?
To be more specific, as i have read various articles for plesk/almalinux 9 Network Manager case
Actually NetworkManager is also at Almalinux 8
I use both legacy and new configuarion of Network Manager at VPS and dedicated servers and both work very ok with Plesk 18.0.63
At one provider, everything works 100% from the start, they have ready to go plesk+almalinux 9.4 installations, i checked and i saw that use the old (but still supported at Rhel9) ifcfg-interfacename file for Network Manager.at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory of Alma. At this case at this provider, /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ directory is empty, aka has no interfacenamename.nmconnection file.
At another VPS provider that also offer plesk+almalinux 9.4 installations, everything works ok with ipv4 but had a problem after reboot with ipv6 that needed to rereaded by Plesk. At this case i saw that NetworkManager uses the new key configuration file /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/interfacename.nmconnection (usually at Plesk eth0.nmconnection as exists at installation (if will delete will use the ifcfg). What i did is to add at [ipv6] section ipv6, mask and gateway along with method=manual, rebooted and everything works very fine, months now.
So actually i do not understand the phrase adding support for NetworkManager for plesk that i read by Team here, NetworkManager is also at Almalinux 8 (there with the legacy ifcfg files) and works fine for years.
Of course i am just an end user and my post is nothing official, just described what i did for things to work for me at Plesk/Almalinux combination.
Have a nice day
Alexander DavydovMay 06, 2023 07:40
William Dashwood it is, because Network Manager does not have support for all the OSes. Once the support is added, the corresponding information will be published at Plesk Change Log page.
Alexander DavydovMay 03, 2023 06:42
William Dashwood at the moment developers work on adding support for Network Manager. However, implementing a NM support takes time and for now there is no ETA for it.
These two answers above, and kind of a vague, non-responsive and not exactly true statements.
According to Alma Linux Dev and release teams, Alma Linux 9, which was originally released in 2022 and is now fully updated and stable to 9.5, has always had full support, documentation, and configuration of Network Manager.
Through each update from 9.0 to 9.5 the only changes have been minor tweaks for server admin usages and security updates, all of which have been added to documentation each step along the way. (I'm not even an official sys admin and I know these things just from reading and using the brain God gave me.
Plesk almost immediately jumps through all hoops to work with Ubuntu to make sure everything works with Ubuntu because Ubuntu is easier for Plesk base level support staff to support and they have developed a love/love environment with Ubuntu. For instance Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS was released on August 29, 2024, 2 years after Alma 9. Yet the only limitations with Ubuntu 24.x.x is with modules that are way beyond EOL and Atomic ruleset for Mod-Security is not available/ Atomic is no great loss because it should have been EOL'd for Plesk years ago and Comodo has far less false positives in general.
The thing that points the finger back to the Ubuntu vs. RHEL versions like Alma, is that Ubuntu still releases with Network Manager and supports it even though it is secondary to Net-plan.
Since Plesk was purchased by Oakley Capital doing web business through Web Pros - Plesk has become a lot of whining about customer expectation, and always blames the customer no matter what, and always tells us what we should do rather than what we want to do, and then every year expects us to pay more money. Granted the pricing isn't as bad as cPanel yet but it's getting there.
What can one expect when a web company is bought out by a greedy venture capital organization that cares more about $$ than customer satisfaction.
Until Plesk can convince me that Ubuntu is as stable and fast as RHEL variants like Alma, and that it's not just easier to support for Plesk, because it seems that is all Plesk ever trains its support staff on in any way… Plesk will never convince me to use Ubuntu any version over RHEL or RHEL variant.
As far as Ubuntu being easier for admins? What insane lunatic would ever say that YAML was easy. Ever tried configuring a large number of IPv6 addresses and try to “easily” figure out which line(s) have the wrong YAML syntax structure? (I might add that NMTUI does not always work in Ubuntu for setting up static IPs which is a good part of why I dumped Ubuntu Server a while ago.
Normally I would ignore such comments from Plesk support, and chock them up to excruciatingly bad customer service, because I'm to busy to respond intelligently, but since I'm bedridden with a bad case of Pneumonia I have extra time on my hands and I hate the smell of bs in the morning.
Sorry if my comments above offend anyone but they are my heartfelt honest opinion on the matter of Alma Linux 9.x and Network-Manager and Plesk lack of support on a quick timeline vs their support of Ubuntu.
To give credit where it's due one support rep did state that until RHEL 9.x and variants were fully supported for Network-Manager you could still upgrade IP's manually and gave the easy work around. You should never totally rely on software to do you job for you without monitoring it anyway.
However, for hosts with many servers, they shouldn't have to always put up with manual work arounds rather fixing a known issue that's now over 2 years old. Not to mention hopefully no one has a ton of IPv6's to update manually in Plesk. What a nightmare.
Stefan Yakubov
Currently, Plesk doesn't use Network-Manager for configuring IPs. On the servers with Network Manager, IP addresses may be managed only manually (not via Plesk).
Note: For Plesk to detect changes, it is required to log into Plesk, go to Tools & Settings > IP Addresses and click on the Reread IP button
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