kb: how-to
Plesk for Linux
ABT: Group B
Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
Is NetworkManager supported by Plesk?
Currently, Plesk doesn't use NetworkManager for configuring IPs. On the servers with Network Manager, IP addresses may be managed only manually (not via Plesk).
Note: For Plesk to detect changes, it is required to log into Plesk, go to Tools & Settings > IP Addresses and click on the Reread IP button
Given that Plesk claims to support AlmaLinux 9, where NetworkManager is the only choice as the legacy network scripts have been removed, when will NetworkManager be directly supported?
William Dashwood at the moment developers work on adding support for NetworkManager. However, implementing a NM support takes time and for now there is no ETA for it.
So really Plesk doesn't fully support AlmaLinux 9 just yet?
William Dashwood yes, there are still some limitations in supporting AlmaLinux 9. You may check them in this KB article:
Does Plesk support RHEL9/AlmaLinux 9?
Thanks, it doesn't mention anything about network support though?
William Dashwood it is, because Network Manager does not have support for all the OSes. Once the support is added, the corresponding information will be published at Plesk Change Log page.
When is plesk going to support Almalinux Network Manager? We were instructed to migrate all of our plesk servers running EOL cents 7.9 to AlmaLinux 9 and now we find out that plesk doesn't support the official almalinux OS network configuration tool (ie Network Manager). :-(
I have many VPS and dedicated servers using almalinux 9.4 and plesk obsidian latest without any problems.
What is the problem exactly?
To be more specific, as i have read various articles for plesk/almalinux 9 Network Manager case
Actually NetworkManager is also at Almalinux 8
I use both legacy and new configuarion of Network Manager at VPS and dedicated servers and both work very ok with Plesk 18.0.63
At one provider, everything works 100% from the start, they have ready to go plesk+almalinux 9.4 installations, i checked and i saw that use the old (but still supported at Rhel9) ifcfg-interfacename file for Network Manager.at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory of Alma. At this case at this provider, /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ directory is empty, aka has no interfacenamename.nmconnection file.
At another VPS provider that also offer plesk+almalinux 9.4 installations, everything works ok with ipv4 but had a problem after reboot with ipv6 that needed to rereaded by Plesk. At this case i saw that NetworkManager uses the new key configuration file /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/interfacename.nmconnection (usually at Plesk eth0.nmconnection as exists at installation (if will delete will use the ifcfg). What i did is to add at [ipv6] section ipv6, mask and gateway along with method=manual, rebooted and everything works very fine, months now.
So actually i do not understand the phrase adding support for NetworkManager for plesk that i read by Team here, NetworkManager is also at Almalinux 8 (there with the legacy ifcfg files) and works fine for years.
Of course i am just an end user and my post is nothing official, just described what i did for things to work for me at Plesk/Almalinux combination.
Have a nice day
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