Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
- Plesk for Windows
Unable to update PHP dependencies via PHP Composer in Plesk:
PLESK_ERROR: Support for composer 1 is deprecated
Currently, Plesk is using Composer 1 by default. This behavior is planned to be changed in future extension updates in scope of EXTPHPCOMP-188.
Click on a section to expand
- Log in to Plesk
- Go to Extensions > search panel.ini editor > click Get it free
Go to Extensions > My Extensions > Panel.ini editor > Edit and add the following strings to the end of the file:
CONFIG_TEXT: [ext-composer]
commandInfoPluginVersion = "~1.1.0"
ComposerVersion = '2' -
Go to Tools & Settings > Scheduled tasks (Cronjobs) and click Add task. Paste the following command and click Run now:
CONFIG_TEXT: /opt/plesk/php/7.4/bin/php /opt/psa/var/modules/composer/composer.phar self-update --2
CONFIG_TEXT: /opt/plesk/php/7.4/bin/php /usr/local/psa/var/modules/composer/composer.phar self-update --2
Note: Use actual PHP version in the command above to update PHP composer
- Log in to Plesk
- Install Panel.ini Editor extension
- Go to Extensions > My Extensions > Panel.ini editor > Editor and add the following strings to the end of the file to keep version 2:
CONFIG_TEXT: [ext-composer]
commandInfoPluginVersion = "~1.1.0"
ComposerVersion = '2' - Run below command in CMD to perform an update:
C:\> "%plesk_dir%Additional\PleskPHP74\php.exe" "%plesk_dir%\var\modules\composer\composer.phar" self-update --2
- To verify that version is correct execute the following command:
C:\> "%plesk_dir%Additional\PleskPHP74\php.exe" "%plesk_dir%\var\modules\composer\composer.phar" --version
Note: Use actual PHP version in the command above to update PHP composer
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