Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
Plesk update fails on server that runs a RHEL-based OS, while displaying an error that is similar to the following in the update logs:
CONFIG_TEXT: Repository extras is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository extras is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository extras is listed more than once in the configuration -
The repository name is duplicated in the default CentOS repository file
:CONFIG_TEXT: name=CentOS-$releasever - Extras
And in one of the custom repository files, e.g.
:CONFIG_TEXT: name=CentOS-$releasever - Extras
A duplication of the repository name within the operating system package manager configuration.
Connect to the server via SSH
Remove the redundant repository file:
# mv /etc/yum.repos.d/myrepo.repo ~/
Clear cache of the package manager:
# yum clean all
Install Plesk updates:
# plesk installer update --repatch
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