Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
- Plesk Obsidian running on a Linux-based operating system
An attempt to migrate databases while using the Plesk Migrator results in an error that is similar to the following:
PLESK_ERROR: Failed to copy content of database 'example'
Migration tools tried to perform operation in 3 attempts: Command execution failed on the source server 'source' ( with non-zero exit code.
command: MYSQL_PWD="$(cat)" mysqldump --no-defaults -h localhost -P 3306 -uadmin --quick --quote-names --add-drop-table --default-character-set=utf8 --set-charset --routines --events upload > /root/plesk_migrator/plesk_migrator-4ifboaw1yiw0ztlo7ysouwiuos8m7l2d/db-dumps/example.sql
exit code: 2
stderr: mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show events': Cannot proceed, because event scheduler is disabled (1577)
The Plesk Migrator cannot initiate migration for databases if the MariaDB or MySQL database server on the source server has its event scheduled switched off (disabled). This is a known bug PMT-4787 which will be fixed in future product updates.
You may track the bug in question and see when it is resolved in the Change Log for Plesk Obsidian.
As a workaround, you can turn the event scheduler for the database server on by following these steps:
Connect to the source server via SSH
Enable event scheduler by editing MySQL configuration file:
Rhel-based OS:/etc/my.cnf
Debian-based OS:/etc/mysql/my.cnf
CONFIG_TEXT: event_scheduler=ON
Under the [mariadb] section.
Restart the MariaDB or MySQL server on the source server:
# systemctl restart mysql
- Resynchronize the affected Subscriptions
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