MariaDB service goes down intermittently with errors such as:
# journalctl -u mariadb
localhost mariadbd[1940]:[ERROR] mariadbd: Table './database_name/table_name' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
The database files from the error have corrupted tables.
Go to Domains > > Databases and click Check and Repair for the required database
Linux-based operating systems:
Execute the below command substituting required table and database:
# mysqlcheck -r database_name table_name -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow`
Windows-based operating systems
Open command-line console
with Administrator privileges. -
Execute below command substituting required table and database:
C:>"%plesk_dir%MySQL\bin\mysqlcheck" -P3306 -uadmin -p -r database_name table_name
If the password is unknown, reset it according to this KB article.
Not all the storage engines in MySQL database support repair of the tables. If storage engine does not support repair the following message will appear:
The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
In such a case, follow the instructions provided in the article: How to fix InnoDB corruption cases for the MySQL database?
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