Applicable to:
- Plesk Obsidian for Linux
When performing subscriptions migration, the process takes up to 5 hours to fetch information from a single domain.
On opening the migration status by going to Tools & Settings > Migration & Transfer Manager > Host > protocol, the migration process is stuck on "Fetch configuration data from Plesk servers" task and after it finishes it shows the following entries:
CONFIG_TEXT: 2020-04-15 08:34:06 info START: Fetch information from source panel
2020-04-15 08:34:06 info START: Fetch configuration data from Plesk servers
2020-04-15 13:19:14 info FINISH: Fetch configuration data from Plesk servers
2020-04-15 13:19:23 info START: Fetch information from target servers
Between the START and FINISH tasks of the "Fetch configuration data from Plesk servers", several hours elapsed.
Product issue:
#PPPM-11919 "Sped up the migration of subscriptions to the target server with the same OS and Plesk version as the source by removing unnecessary information from backup.log and the XMl-configuration file when the subscriptions are backed up."
Fixed in:- Plesk Obsidian 23 June 2020
Please consider updating your server:
If update is not possible, the following workaround can be applied:
Subscribe to this article to be notified when the bug would be fixed.
As a workaround:
- Login to your source server via SSH
- Edit the file /etc/psa/psa.conf
- Change the DUMP_D line to an empty folder.
Where it says:
DUMP_D /var/lib/psa/dumps
point to an empty folder:
DUMP_D /<empty folder> - Revert the change after the migration finishes
This way, the migration process will not perform configuration dumps on the existing backups.
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