Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
Unable to browse any domain hosted on the Plesk server. The browser displays this error:
CONFIG_TEXT: 502 Bad Gateway
Nginx reverse proxy is enabled in Tools & Settings > Services Management.
Nginx service is running.
Apache service is stopped on the server.
Click on a section to expand
Go to Tools & Settings > Services Management > Apache Web Server > Start.
If the issue remains the same (or sites are not working with the different error message), go to Extensions > My Extensions > Webserver Configuration Troubleshooter and Rebuild All configuration files:
Connect to the server via SSH
Start Apache Web Server:
For CentOS based:
# service httpd start
For Debian based:
# service apache2 start
If the issue remains the same (or sites are not working with the different error message), execute the following command:
# plesk repair web -y
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