Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
- Plesk for Windows
How to install / remove additional PHP versions provided by Plesk?
Note: The list of PHP versions available for installation via the Plesk Installer can be viewed in this KB article.
Note: Make sure that port 8447 is opened in firewall. If it is closed and cannot be opened, use the command-line instructions below.
Go to Tools & Settings and click Updates (under Plesk).
On the Install and Update page, click Add/Remove Components.
On the Add/Remove Components page, expand:
Web hosting > PHP interpreter versions section, if this is a Linux server.
Plesk hosting feature section, if this is a Windows server.
Select required PHP versions for installation or uninstallation and click Continue.
Connect to a Plesk server via SSH (Linux) / RDP (Windows Server).
Get the list of all available Plesk components (on Windows Server, use a command prompt as an Administrator):
MYSQL_LIN: plesk installer --select-release-current --show-components
Install/remove additional PHP versions using the component name from step 2.
Example of the command to install PHP 8.3:
for Linux:
# plesk installer add --components php8.3
for Windows Server:
C:\> plesk installer add --components php83
Example of the command to remove PHP 7.0:
for Linux:
# plesk installer remove --components php7.0
for Windows Server:
C:\> plesk installer remove --components php70
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