Websites are not accessible after website settings are updated via Plesk: 502 Bad Gateway



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    Daladatorer i Mora AB (Edited )

    This article could be vastly improved with more information. How and why will this solve the 502 Bad Gateway error when settings are changed? Will it only postpone the problem 600 seconds into the future or will it actually solve the problem? If so, why? I assume setting restart interval to 600 will mean that I'll have to wait 10 minutes for new server settings to take effect? If so, this should be mentioned in the article with an explanation on how to choose a suitable restart interval. I tried changing restart interval to 1 second, and I still get the 502 Bad Gateway error after changing PHP settings in Plesk 18.0.54 Update #4.

    However, enabling Apache graceful restart seem to have solved the problem on our side.

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