Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
How to install Plesk with specific components via command-line interface?
Connect to the server via SSH
Download the autoinstaller:
# wget
Add execute permissions to the autoinstaller:
# chmod +x plesk-installer
Find required release:
# ./plesk-installer list-all
plesk PLESK_18_0_49 (Plesk Onyx 18.0.49 (Stable)) (release, current, stable)
<...> -
Check available components for chosen release:
# ./plesk-installer list PLESK_18_0_49 --components
Detecting installed product components.
panel [upgrade] - Plesk
bind [up2date] - BIND DNS server
postgresql [up2date] - PostgreSQL server
<...>Note : change release version PLESK_18_0_49 from the example to the required one
Install Plesk with required components:
# ./plesk-installer install PLESK_18_0_49 panel bind selinux l10n mysqlgroup horde roundcube postfix dovecot proftpd webalizer awstats webservers nginx phpgroup php7.2 php7.1 php7.0 php5.6 config-troubleshooter heavy-metal-skin wp-toolkit advisor letsencrypt social-login domain-connect git resctrl mod_fcgid xovi
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