Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
How to find directories/files that take up the most disk space on a Plesk server?
The Diskspace Usage Viewer extension can show what directories and files consume disk space.
Go to Extensions and install Diskspace Usage Viewer.
Open the extension:
On the Diskspace Usage tab, find all directories/files and their disk usage. Click on directories to see files inside.
On the Largest Files tab, find the largest files.
Use the Linux find utility to find large files that consume the disk space:
Connect to a server via SSH.
Run the following command to find all files with the size larger than 20 MB and modified for the last 24 hours:
# find / -mtime 0 -type f -size +20M -exec du -h {} + 2>/dev/null | sort -r -h
To find all files larger than 200 MB:
# find / -type f -size +200M -exec du -h {} + 2>/dev/null | sort -r -h
Use the Linux du utility to find what locations consume disk space:
Connect to a server via SSH.
Run the following command to find the disk usage in a specific location:
# du -hd 1 /
11G /var
8.9M /bin
1008M /opt
15G /
1 comment
Is it possible for Reseller accounts to have access to this extension? I did not find a way to share it.
It would be nice to have something similar to view folder sizes for mailboxes available to Plesk users not just admins.
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