How to extract files from a Plesk backup archive



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    How about for Mac users?  There's no input given here to do this on MacOS.

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    Unnamed User (Edited )

    The directions above are wrong, at least for windows 10 - 11. What you need to do is:

    1) Download zstd (who thought of that name???)

    2) Place zstd.exe from archive above inside the same directory where your .tzst - tzstxxx files are

    3) Open a command prompt of windows and cd to that directory

    4) merge the files if you have more than one. To do this you need to run:

    copy /b/y backup_xxxxxx_xxxxxx.tzst + backup_xxxxxx_xxxxxx.tzst1 + backup_xxxxxx_xxxxxx.tzst2 + backup_xxxxxx_xxxxxx.tzstxxx finalbackupfile.tzst

    5) Run tar -xvf backup_xxxxxx_xxxxxx.tzst

    Thats it, your files will exctract at the same directory

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    Jeremy Navick


    Try Keka :

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    Mitchell van Bijleveld


    You can use brew to install zstd

    brew install zstd

    and then run

    unzstd archive.tzst

    This gives you a native tar file which you can extract by running

    tar -xvf archive.tar

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    chri crossley

    Can you supply a simple set of instructions for the Mac I have a backup running on my two Plesk setups but can't view the contents of the files. So the backup is pointless if I have to use a Plesk machine to recover them. I don't want to install home-brew on my Mac to get around what should be a simple de-archive process.

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    Jens Roggemann

    Hello Daniel,

    Thans for this hint:

    (it was little annoying, that the Plesk Download-Manager don't mention any option to get single files extracted from the Plesk-Backup-Files. So your hint is really helpful! 😎)
    Kind regards. Jens


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