Applicable to:
- Plesk for Windows
How to recreate system users for Plesk for Windows?
Note: It is recommended to use steps provided in How to restore Plesk installation on a new Windows server after disaster
Connect to the server via RDP
Restore Plesk Administrator and service accounts:
C:\> plesk sbin usermng --install-plesk-admin
plesk sbin usermng --install-psaadm
plesk sbin usermng --install-service-accounts -
Restore Plesk user groups:
C:\> plesk sbin usermng --install-panel-users-group
Restore system users for all subscriptions:
C:\> plesk bin repair --repair-all-webspaces-system-users
Sync passwords with the system users:
C:\> plesk bin repair --synchronize-impersonation-storage
Create File Sharing users:
C:\> plesk sbin websrvmng --create-fs-users
Restore anonymous accounts:
C:\> plesk sbin websrvmng --configure-anonymous-access
Reconfigure Plesk IIS sites:
C:\> plesk sbin websrvmng --configure-plesk-website
Repair IIS bindings:
C:\> plesk repair --web -y
Sync Application Pools passwords
C:\> plesk sbin websrvmng --update-accounts-password
Repair site preview:
C:\> plesk bin repair --reconfigure-site-preview
Repair FTP sites:
C:\> plesk bin repair --reconfigure-ftp-sites
Fix Windows Registry permissions
C:\> plesk sbin ApplySecurity --apply-to-plesk-registry
plesk sbin ApplySecurity --apply -
Restart Plesk services:
C:\> plesk sbin plesksrv -restart
Recreate MailEnable users IME_ADMIN and IME_USER:
Start the MailEnable Installer:
C:\> "%plesk_dir%\Mail Servers\Mail Enable\Bin\MEInstaller.exe"
C:\> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable\Bin\MEInstaller.exe"
Select the second entry (Web application reconfigure)
Enter the new password for system users and click on Ok
Select (MailEnable WebMail) MailEnable Webmail IIS binding for webmail and click Next
Uncheck Configure web admin as an IIS Virtual Directory and click on Next
Connect to the server via RDP.
Open Local Users and Groups snap-in by executing the following command in command prompt:
C:\> lusrmgr.msc
In case the server is a domain controller, Active Directory Users and Computers should be opened instead:
C:\> dsa.msc
Re-create Plesk Administrator user. It must be a member of Administrators group.
Starting from Plesk Onyx, it can be done with the command below:
C:\> plesk sbin usermng.exe --install-plesk-admin
Re-create Parallels Panel users group.
Run Plesk Reconfigurator > Repair Plesk installation tool and check options Plesk Server Accounts, Plesk Services.
In Local Users and Groups (or Active Directory Users and Computers) snap-in create IUSRPLESK_sqladmin user and repair MSSQL Webadmin:
C:\> "%plesk_cli%/repair" --reconfigure-mssql-webadmin-site
C:\> "%plesk_cli%/repair" --update-mssql-users-permissions -
Re-create Plesk system users as follows:
C:\> "%plesk_cli%/repair" --repair-all-webspaces-system-users
C:\> "%plesk_cli%/repair" --regenerate-web-server-users-password
C:\> "%plesk_bin%\dbclient.exe" --direct-sql --sql="SELECT displayName FROM domains" > domains.txt
C:\> for /f "skip=1" %i in (domains.txt) do "%plesk_dir%\bin\repair.exe" --reconfigure-web-site -web-site-name %i
C:\> "%plesk_dir%\bin\repair.exe" --synchronize-protected-directories-storage
C:\> "%plesk_dir%\bin\repair.exe" --repair-all-webspaces-security
C:\> "%plesk_dir%\bin\repair.exe" --synchronize-impersonation-storage
C:\> "%plesk_dir%\bin\repair.exe" --synchronize-protected-directories-storage
C:\> for /f "skip=1" %i in (domains.txt) do "%plesk_dir%\bin\repair.exe" --repair-webspace-security -webspace-name %i -
Re-create FTP users as follows:
C:\> "%plesk_dir%\bin\repair.exe" --reconfigure-ftp-sites
execution can fail with the following error:
CONFIG_TEXT: C:\Program Files (x86)\Plesk\MySQL\bin>"%plesk_dir%\bin\repair.exe" --reconfigure-ftp-sites
ftpmng failed: No mapping between account names and security IDs was done. (Error code 1332) at LookupAccountName
at (VSID::findAccount line 141)
at getFileAccessGroup(C:\Inetpub\vhosts\Servers\6)(IIsFtp7ServerAdapter::getFileAccessGroup line 472)
A member could not be added to or removed from the local group because the member does not exist. (Error code 1387) at NetLocalGroupAddMembers(MSFTP7_027875036, MSFTP7_018471498)
at (VSID::addGroupMember line 597) at configUser(, domain1,
C:\Inetpub\vhosts\domain1.tld)(IIsFtp7ServerAdapter::configUser line 423)
at reconfFtpUser(domain1)(FtpServerManager::reconfFtpUser line 483)
at updateUsers()(FtpServerManager::updateUsers line 171)
at execute console command --update-users(vconsoleapp::start line 122)
at execute "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plesk\admin\bin64\ftpmng.exe" --update-users "--config=tmp7675.tmp" --soft(vconsoleapp::run line 139)
(Error code 1)In that case, create group specified in the error in Start > Computer Management > System Tools > Local Users and Groups > Users (or Active Directory Users and Computers), e.g. MSFTP7_027875036 in that example and re-run repair tool once again.
If Plesk FileSharing feature is installed, check that IWAM_FILESHARING user exists in Start > Computer Management > System Tools > Local Users and Groups > Users (or Active Directory Users and Computers) and create it if not.
Go to Home > Tools & Settings > File Sharing Settings and specify Username for file access and Password for file access, then click OK. Create a user via Start > Computer Management > System Tools > Local Users and Groups > Users (or Active Directory Users and Computers) if such user is missing. -
If webmail is being used, check that related IIS user exists and create it if not:
IUSRPLESK_horde - for Horde
IUSRPLESK_smwebmail - for SmarterMail -
Recreate MailEnable users IME_ADMIN and IME_USER:
Start the MailEnable Installer:
C:\> "%plesk_dir%\Mail Servers\Mail Enable\Bin\MEInstaller.exe"
C:\> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mail Enable\Bin\MEInstaller.exe"
Select the second entry (Web application reconfigure)
Enter the new password for system users and click on Ok
Select (MailEnable WebMail) MailEnable Webmail IIS binding for webmail and click Next
Uncheck Configure web admin as an IIS Virtual Directory and click on Next
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