Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
How to block custom bots on Plesk server?
It is possible to add the required bots into Fail2ban "apache-badbot" jail:
Go to Tools & Settings > IP Address Banning (Fail2Ban) > Jails and click on Manage Filters
Select apache-badbots.
Edit the existing filter by adding the required custom bots in the "badbotscustom" value separated by a pipe, e.g.:
Fail2ban will start blocking access from both Nginx and Apache. The settings can be checked at Tools & Settings > IP Address Banning (Fail2Ban) > Jails > plesk-apache-badbot:
CONFIG_TEXT: [plesk-apache-badbot]
enabled = true
filter = apache-badbots
action = iptables-multiport[name=BadBots, port="http,https,7080,7081"]
logpath = /var/www/vhosts/system/*/logs/*access*log
maxretry = 1
To ensure the jail is working, check Tools & Settings > IP Address Banning (Fail2Ban) > Banned IP addresses or fail2ban log /var/log/fail2ban.log
I entered the above code.
However I get an error message.
What am I doing wrong?
Does anyone know another solution?
Error: Unable to add the jail filter: f2bmng failed: ERROR:__main__:File contains no section headers.
file: '<stdin>', line: 1
'badbotscustom = SputnikBot|omgili|socialmediascanner|Jooblebot|SeznamBot|Scrapy|CCBot|linkfluence|veoozbot|Leikibot'.
Please add a copy and past line for badbotscustom = examplebot|examplebot| to the explanation - Not just a screenshot
Hello Thomas,
This article describes where users can put their own custom values. The ones on the screenshot are just an example and should not be copied.
this entry already exists in Plesk.. you just need to edit it
Does not work, even the bytedance and bytespider are in the jail filter, still receive massive crawl..
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