Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
- After granting access via Support SSH Access extension, the following warning is displayed on the screen:
PLESK_INFO: Support SSH Access extension displays warning: Some issues were detected: Cannot whitelist IP address: Binary execution failed with error code 255; stdout [Sorry but the jail 'ssh' does not exist ] stderr [2021-11-04 16:29:17,829 fail2ban [377714]: ERROR NOK: ('ssh',) ]
- Jail 'ssh' is disabled at Tools & Settings > IP Address Banning (Fail2Ban) > Jails.
This is an expected behavior. When you grant access to SSH via extension, it executes a script to add required networks to fail2ban. If the SSH jail is not active, it produces a warning and the networks are not added.
Nevertheless, an internal request with ID #PPPM-13288 was created to address the warning in question.
2. Enable the 'ssh' jail at Tools & Settings > IP Address Banning (Fail2Ban) > Jails.
3. Go to Extensions > My extensions > Support SSH Access and click on the button Revoke access immediately.
4. Grant access again.
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