How to get or reset lost Plesk Administrator password?



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    Avadhut Nigudkar


    I am unable to Log into Plesk using the link. I am getting this error. Now,everyone is asking me to use SSH for this. How to do that? For last 4 hours, I am searching. Please help.

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    Watcharin Chomdong

    ผมก็เข้าไม่ได้ เเก้ยังไงครับ

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    Razvan Anghelidi

    What worked for me (Red Hat 9) was
    >sudo plesk bin admin --set-admin-password -passwd "<your_new_password>"

    The password cannot have exclamation mark (!) in it.

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    Stefan Yakubov


    As of 18.0.60, this works with exclamation sign.

    Normally - quotes, spaces or non-ascii printable characters are not accepted.

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    Ricardo Macari

    new sintaxe to change passoword:

    plesk bin admin --set-password -passwd <new_password>'

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    z q



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    Unknown User

    Thank you for this notice. It has helped me to recover my admin password. if it can help, the password can't include the character & when using the command line to generate it. 

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    Charles Bezak

    did this using a ! that was within a “password! ”

    However - it seemed to delete our username “root” and we could only login with “admin” and the new password.  Also - it seemed like it needed to restart or something because it would give us some errors logging in - does this command also change any dependencies it needs - grok says you may need to also give it some database password changes to match your new admin password - this really could use some more documentation or if this system just changes it and pushes everything down.

    If the “admin” username is something else like “fakeadmin” - does this just also get rid of the username alias and make it the “admin” one because then the system somehow thinks there is other usernames taken and we don't know where we would find those to delete or reset them.


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