How to change the Plesk administrator email address?



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    Manuel García

    I have the same problem

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    Ivan Kamnev

    Hello @Manuel García,
    Please verify that you are logged into Plesk GUI under the main admin account
    The message as below should be shown on the Edit Profile page:

    Editing Administrator Profile

    In case you see the following message:

    Additional Administrator Account Information

    This means that you are logged into Plesk under the additional administrator account.
    In this case, you need to ask main admin to change password for your additional administrator account in Plesk > Tools & Settings > Additional Administrator Accounts > johndoe

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    Chris Burns

    What do we do when the Contact name and Email address fields aren't there?

    I can only see the first 2 settings: "Administrator's interface language" and "Allow multiple sessions under this account"


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