Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
How to connect to a Plesk server via SSH?
Warning: If your Plesk server is managed by a hosting provider, please contact the company that hosts your server and ask for the SSH connection details. For any issues during the connection, contact your hosting support department.
Note: It is necessary to have root access to the Plesk server to apply the solutions described in the Plesk Knowledge Base.
Install SSH Terminal from the Extensions catalog.
Access the SSH console from:
Plesk > Tools & Settings > SSH Terminal
Plesk > Extensions > My Extensions > SSH Terminal
Note: To insert the text from buffer into SSH terminal, use the key combination Shift + Insert.
To copy the text from SSH Terminal, select it and use the combination Ctrl + Insert
On Linux, use the Terminal console which is available in all Linux distributions:
Open Terminal console at Applications > Terminal:
Note: The location of the Terminal console depends on the installed Linux OS distribution.
Run the command below to establish an SSH connection:
Note: Replace the username, the IP address, and port 22 with the corresponding SSH login credentials of the remote server.
# ssh -p22 username@
Video Tutorial
On Mac OS, use the Terminal app which is available in every Mac OS distribution.
If you do have access to the server via ssh, you can reset the admin password as described here:
This was not helpful at all. Just posting a short video with no instructions is not helpful.
Please I’m unable to login to plesk account and no link is sent to my email to reset my password please help
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