kb: how-to
Plesk for Linux
Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
How to get a list of all domains in Plesk with information about their IP addresses, DMARC status and SSL certificates?
This information can not be viewed in the Plesk interface, however it is possible to get all this information from Plesk database:
- Connect to the server using SSH.
- Download report.sh.tar.gz from the attachment and unpack it:
# wget https://plesk.zendesk.com/hc/article_attachments/12377319866775/report.sh.tar.gz
# tar -xvzf report.sh.tar.gz - Add executable permissions to unpacked script:
# chmod +x report.sh
- Execute the script:
MYSQL_LIN: ./report.sh
Information will be stored in the file report.txt
in the same directory.
Mentioned file not found.
Referenced report.sh.tar.gz file hosted at Zendesk 404ing
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