Could not issue Let's Encrypt SSL/TLS certificate in Plesk: too many failed authorizations recently



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    John Brown


    I have a couple of servers with ovh (vps and dedi). I have been attempting to secure the vps server with LetsEncrypt for several months, to no avail. It does not matter what time of the day/week/month/ year I attempt to do this, it never works. I can do it fine for individual domains on the server, but NOT the actual server itself, and hence I cannot make use of the 360 monitoring option.

    I can see that plesk states they have no control over this, and that is fine and dandy to make that claim, but I would suggest it is not a valid claim to make in the circumstances. OVH is one of the largest server companies on the planet - most of their servers (and I believe all vps servers) are provided with a name that ends with . That term (  is precisely the reason I can not secure the server due to their ludicrously low limits. I have been attempting to secure it this way for over 6 months. The alternative would be to pay for a commercial wildcard certificate which is quite hefty in this day and age cost wise, and ive never had to pay for a server certificate in my over 20 years of running servers -- I pay for plenty of domain certs, but never for a server.


    Plesk and OVH should raise this issue with let's encrypt or ditch them and find a more accommodating  cert authority - or just create their fricking own Cert auth, as they both have the clout to be able to do so. Just shaking their individual heads and saying 'nuttin we can do' is not an acceptable option given the dynamics at play -- ie they both risk losing a lot of clients by failing to listen to those same clients. In time, I will eventually move elsewhere if the situation continues the way it is.

    / end of rant />

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